Applicant Name(Required) First Last Preferred Name Does the applicant go by a different name?Interviewer Name(Required) First Last Interviewer Email(Required) SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENTIn 2-3 minutes, share the story of how you placed your faith in Christ.What experience do you have with ministry and mission trips?When you are given the opportunity, how do you lead someone to Christ?Did the applicant use an illustration, method, or verse? Yes No What are you currently doing to mature in your relationship with Christ? How do your family and friends help?What are you studying in the Bible right now?What is something you believe the Lord is asking you to do right now or in the future?WORK ASSESSMENTWhat career are you pursuing? Why?What is something you liked about a job you held? What is something you disliked?Why do you want to work at camp?Have you applied for other summer jobs? Yes No How will this affect your decision to work at camp?Would serving at camp be a priority for you? Yes No PERSONAL ASSESSMENTWhat activities or hobbies do you enjoy?Which of the following charges your personal batteries most: Alone Time Friends Sleep Exercise Choose which word describes you more: Introvert Extrovert Choose which word describes you more: Passive Confrontational Choose which word describes you more: Inside Outside Choose which word describes you more: Leader Follower Do you have any date conflicts for the summer? Yes No What date conflicts does the applicant have?LEGAL QUESTIONSDo you have any criminal convictions, misdemeanors, or felonies? Yes No Details regarding criminal convictions, misdemeanors, or felonies.Have you ever molested or ever been accused of molesting or harming a child? Yes No Details regarding molestation or harming of a child.MISC.What questions do you have?EVALUATIONRate the spiritual maturity of the applicant.(Required)123456789101 (least spiritual) - 10 (most spiritual)Rate the performance potential of the applicant.(Required)123456789101 (least potential) - 10 (most potential)Should we hire this applicant?(Required)YesNoMaybeCamp LocationFalls CreekCrossTimbers DavisCrossTimberse GroveAt which camp does the applicant desire to serve?Staff First PreferenceAccounting - FCCourtesy - FCFacilities - FCFirst Aid - FCFood Service - FCGate - FCGolf Cart Tech - FCLifeguard - FCMaintenance - FCMedia - FCNight Crew - FCNunny Mom - FCOffice - CTProgram - FCProgram Associate - CTRecreation - FCRetail- FCRopes - FCSummer Staff - CTWelcome Center - FCStaff Second PreferenceAccounting - FCCourtesy - FCFacilities - FCFirst Aid - FCFood Service - FCGate - FCGolf Cart Tech - FCLifeguard - FCMaintenance - FCMedia - FCNight Crew - FCNunny Mom - FCOffice - CTProgram - FCProgram Associate - CTRecreation - FCRetail- FCRopes - FCSummer Staff - CTWelcome Center - FCStaff Third PreferenceAccounting - FCCourtesy - FCFacilities - FCFirst Aid - FCFood Service - FCFacilities - FCGate - FCGolf Cart Tech - FCLifeguard - FCMaintenance - FCMedia - FCNight Crew - FCNunny Mom - FCOffice - CTProgram - FCProgram Associate - CTRecreation - FCRetail - FCRopes - FCSummer Staff - CTWelcome Center - FCFinal NotesNotify Manager for Review Jason Copenhaver Chad Fielding Sarah Hagar Rob Hunt Nick Luttrull Todd Sanders Jan Shaffer If this applicant needs to be called back by a specific work area, select the manager here who should speak with them.